I'm glad you're enjoying the comics! You don't need to do both Patreon and Ko-fi. Patreon allows readers to contribute a monthly recurring amount ($1.25/month). Readers who don't like recurring subscriptions use Ko-fi to make a one-time contribution (buy me a coffee).
I often read your comics from app.daily.dev, wish you success with many comics in 2025
Your comic is great, I've enjoyed it this year and bought the calendar as a gift for a friend.
I enjoyed and looked forward to reading your comics each week this year. Thank you Work Chronicles for the comics
Back atcha'!
Here's to hoping that by some miracle we spend 2025 living in less interesting times!
You are often the highlight of my workday when I see your email pop up.
Thank you for what you do.
Thanks. I've been laughing this whole year
Uhm... link to patronite (or your homepage) would be nice and made subscribing a bit easier ;)
Glad to participate! <3
Didn't add because I didn't want it to be an advertisement for the Patreon or Ko-fi. Thanks for the support!
I saw the calendar at Kohl's today - welcome to the big leagues! :)
Wow, I couldn’t have imagined this happening a year ago. Thanks for letting me know. :)
I'm new to Paetron, how do I buy you a coffee? Thank you for making me laugh during the week! It's much needed and much appreciated!! <3
I'm glad you're enjoying the comics! You don't need to do both Patreon and Ko-fi. Patreon allows readers to contribute a monthly recurring amount ($1.25/month). Readers who don't like recurring subscriptions use Ko-fi to make a one-time contribution (buy me a coffee).
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/workchronicles
Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/workchronicles
Thanks for the support!
Coffee purchased!! Thank you again for all that you do!! :)
"We reached 25,000 newsletter signups (after four years!)"
Hey, some of us are keeping tabs via RSS too!
I wish I could track how many people are reading my RSS feed.
Happy Holidays! Thanks a lot for all the joy and fun you brought during 2024, getting ready to start 2025 with the calendar!
Thank you for the amazing amount of laugh and lessons for life. Happy holidays
happy holidays to you and mrs bob and any little family members that may be present 😄 thanks for all the laughs this year and many more to come!
your comic is very funny !! thanks a lot!