Not a bad idea.... hm. I use OneTab and to snag all tabs in a hurry or save choice tabs I want later, respectively. I also use Todoist to save specific tabs I want to add as tasks. I also have my own website written in C# where I integrated the Todoist API into it, and can track my progress. ;)
That's the best feeling
I thought the best feeling was closing 70 tabs after fixing a bug!
Ahhh yeah, and to save them all for later in a collection titled "to delete"
Ahh just me 😁
Not a bad idea.... hm. I use OneTab and to snag all tabs in a hurry or save choice tabs I want later, respectively. I also use Todoist to save specific tabs I want to add as tasks. I also have my own website written in C# where I integrated the Todoist API into it, and can track my progress. ;)
It's so true! I can think of and work on my newsletter all day and night 😅
I … uh … wow.
Why are comics repeating? I've noticed quite a few that I know I've seen before.
Accuracy 📈📈
so accurate 🤣