My best friend since preschool (and we're in our 50's now)'s Dad is named Al. Since news media have stopped using "A.I." I've been reading it as Al is taking all these people's jobs. He's like The Dude Abides - mellower and less bothered than any sentient being you'll ever meet.
I wish I could share here a photo of him so y'all can join me in picturing AI as my best friend's Dad... Posing in front of a backyard grill, wearing crisply pressed khaki shorts, sandals over his dad socks, unlit cigar clamped in his teeth. (He had to quit smoking, but giving up his cigar would've been like giving up his eyebrows.) No one would respond with fear to the doomsayer headlines about AI taking over things ever again.
FTOR Al has okayed my picturing him in place of A.I. because nothing bothers him. Let people be. Everyone is trying.
Well, it is artificial intelligence, supposed to replace the biological intelligence because "it's built to be superior", when one lacks intelligence, they're safe 😅
My best friend since preschool (and we're in our 50's now)'s Dad is named Al. Since news media have stopped using "A.I." I've been reading it as Al is taking all these people's jobs. He's like The Dude Abides - mellower and less bothered than any sentient being you'll ever meet.
I wish I could share here a photo of him so y'all can join me in picturing AI as my best friend's Dad... Posing in front of a backyard grill, wearing crisply pressed khaki shorts, sandals over his dad socks, unlit cigar clamped in his teeth. (He had to quit smoking, but giving up his cigar would've been like giving up his eyebrows.) No one would respond with fear to the doomsayer headlines about AI taking over things ever again.
FTOR Al has okayed my picturing him in place of A.I. because nothing bothers him. Let people be. Everyone is trying.
Well, it is artificial intelligence, supposed to replace the biological intelligence because "it's built to be superior", when one lacks intelligence, they're safe 😅